Tuesday, November 25, 2008

geometry poems

Before anything was written down even, in ancient times, poetry was a gift given from one person to the next and was greatly appreciated as it displayed thoughtfulness and intellect. You miss your loved one who is no longer with you.

Many couples find that they are at a loss of words when it comes to wording their wedding invitations. A personalized Valentine's poem captures the feelings and sentiments of the sender and emphasizes meaningful words with rhymes. Don't use complicated language, keep it simple.

Some of the most famous poems are about relationship troubles. Poetry can provide a source of writing income and is often a creative outlet for those who also write in other genres. Ralph Waldo Emerson can be attributed for dozens of memorable quotes about what it means to be a friend and wrote numerous friendship poems in turn.

Whether poetry is your favorite thing or not isn t the point, it's the mood created by reading wedding poetry that makes the concept so attractive. It can be framed, written in a card, spoken over the phone, recited one to one or even emailed if time is not on your side.

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