Emily Watson once said that the heart speaks the language of love that is best expressed by poems. Put your thoughts into some kind of free verse format, a column of lines, roughly the same length, which may rhyme but don't need to.
As I have stated before in my other poetry articles, and as I believe it should be, each poem is a mini story unto itself. Make sure you are happy with it before the reading, the last thing you want to do is decide that it's not that appropriate on the day. But using the experience and flair of a poet can produce for you a personalized poem for Valentine's Day that will live on in the memory of the intended for many years to come.
A poem can be about the life of the one who has passed or just kind words. A funeral poem should about the person and their journey through life more than writing down your feelings. You might give fortune cookies with love poems inside as a wedding favor.
A lovely memento to keep over the years is a poem. A Valentine Day personalized poem is always so special and unique.
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