Friday, June 19, 2009

types of poetry

One of the best ways to express one s thoughts is to pen a beautiful poem. I think most people writing poetry or writing about poetry, has their own concept of what should be, what shouldn t be, what is, what is not: you know, our own little world of poetry.

Write some wonderful lines in verse in a mother's day greeting card and attach it to her equally well chosen gift. Written words can be much more effective than spoken condolences at reaching a grieving person's heart. All that you have to do is pick the one that best describes your feelings and emotions for your mother.

The secret they will never know if you wrote the poem, or had someone else do it for you, so make sure you find a romantic love poem. Poetry can provide a source of writing income and is often a creative outlet for those who also write in other genres. A poem for the deceased that prompts that thought is invaluable after a loved one has died.

Find funny poems about marriage and love and include those for a laugh or two. What a treasure the poem will be.

Sad Love Break Up Poems - what you need to know

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